Couldn't think...

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Of anything to write so I found an old journal entry when I was still using a pad & pen for my thoughts. Here it is unedited.

Such a wasted day. I overslept and woke up with a migraine. Some might say one cause the other but since I’ve had this dam headache for 3 days now I highly doubt its associated. Everytime we(as in the lower mainland) get a wind warning I end being buried under my quilt with an ice pack on my face and in a dark room for my eyes. I used to enjoy stormy weather. I loved to walk in it, with the dark skies and the rain hitting my face. I’m hoping that those days will return.
Today was a litle weird. The migraine I experienced was very low on the pain scale but had all the everything was more intense like the aura, the depression, the uncomfortability and my new symptom the problem of walking to the right side. Why that has started all of a sudden I don’t know. The problem with the sudden onset of sleep is still as problem. Its so strange. It hits me fast, the only warning I get is the way of the aura. Afterwards I need to sleep but its not like an end of the day sleep. Its more like a sudden exhaustion.
When I have a migraine part of the aura is a deep depression and its gets worse during an attack and after I’ve recovered I’m back to my laughing and joking self. A problem I’m having is staying depressed more and more. I‘m having a joking and I take offence when people joke with me about my illness. Who knows anymore. I really don’t care.
One bright spot has be Lori and her family. They invited me to xmas dinner. I may take them up on that offer. I feel fairly comfortable around them. I don’t know if I could deal with her issues but she seems to understand and most importantly wants to help me. She’s willing to help me by listening to my bitching and tells me that she truly understands becauses she is going through something similar, at least with regard to the migraines. The only drawback is that she smokes in her apartment with any ventilation and that triggers my migraines. I think she will be an interest. Another drawback is that my car will be uninsured come January and she lives in Mission and doesn’t have a vehicle. We’ll see I think I‘ll give her now.


People are pretty much alike. It's only that our differences are more susceptible to definition than our similarities.
-Linda Ellerbee



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Medical terminology can cause confusion at the best of times. If there is a word you do not understand all you have to do is double-click on it and the definition will appear! Don't forget to drop me a line by email at with your comments, questions‚ recommended resources‚ concerns‚ & especially your experiences with clusters. Or come find me on my Facebook Profile to add me as a Friend. Whether you are a supporter‚ care-giver or sufferer. I would love to hear from you!

*Please do not use this information for self diagnoses. Writing about my experiences with chronic cluster headaches & epilepsy is a good outlet for me. Consult your Dr. with any kind of headache or chronic pain you may have. The 3rd party links on my site I have found to be a good resource to me over the past few years & dearly hope they will benefit you as well.*

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