Happy New Year!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year! 2004 has gone into the abyss of time & another year presents itself with opportunity to further ourselves, blast the beast back & stop the 'cluster dance'(its the pancing & swearing we do during an attack). Are there cluster sufferers who tried to drink last night? Hope a cycle didn't start because of the alcohol.

Did anyone else not bother to make resolutions? Quit smoking, lose weight, change jobs, get laid. Why bother? Most resolutions sound good. Then we sober up. Internal motivations are good so why wait till the new year to start them? The new year is a time for change not for hopeless lies.

My new year was slow. Did nothing, felt nothing. Not sure if I should hold out hope this year will be different than the last. The past 12 months are a blur. Definately have to try something different. At the very least make it memorable instead of a routine of pain, seizures, & exhaustion, not necessarily in that order.

I hope everyone had a good time. Let 2005 be pain-free from cluster. Best wishes from a ClusterHead!

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.



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Medical terminology can cause confusion at the best of times. If there is a word you do not understand all you have to do is double-click on it and the definition will appear! Don't forget to drop me a line by email at versilleus@gmail.com with your comments, questions‚ recommended resources‚ concerns‚ & especially your experiences with clusters. Or come find me on my Facebook Profile to add me as a Friend. Whether you are a supporter‚ care-giver or sufferer. I would love to hear from you!

*Please do not use this information for self diagnoses. Writing about my experiences with chronic cluster headaches & epilepsy is a good outlet for me. Consult your Dr. with any kind of headache or chronic pain you may have. The 3rd party links on my site I have found to be a good resource to me over the past few years & dearly hope they will benefit you as well.*

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