Negative Affects of Cluster Headaches

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Now for the negative affect. This will be more to do with life than the actually physical issues cluster headache sufferers go through. We could talk about those for days and weeks. Clusters affect individuals in many different way. Here is what has happend to me. Now as Denis Leary once said "Life sucks! Get a f**king helmet!"

Negative Effects:

–Income has decrease drastically.
–Cluster headaches are far too rare for my GP to be of much use other than for refills.
–Waves of depression.
–Intolerable amounts of pain.
–Definate personality changes such as having a 'short fuse' or being quiet & sad during a cycle.
–Very little of my life is spent 'pain free' or pain which is tolerable enough to manage.
–When I am not sore on those rare occasions my days are spent recovery just so I can deal with the next wave of cycles.
–Positive emotions are difficult for me to show. Sometimes wonders if I have lost them for good.
–Driven apart from family and friends.

Those are the most promenent one in my life. How about yours?

Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets.
–Arthur Miller



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*Please do not use this information for self diagnoses. Writing about my experiences with chronic cluster headaches & epilepsy is a good outlet for me. Consult your Dr. with any kind of headache or chronic pain you may have. The 3rd party links on my site I have found to be a good resource to me over the past few years & dearly hope they will benefit you as well.*

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